About Us

Hello and welcome to ‘Blogs Don’t Burn‘; a platform which brings clarity and depth to some of the most complex debates of our time.

Do you ever get that feeling? That the modern world is nothing but an unending carnival of fads and facts, opinions and gossip, arguments, tweets, trivia, moral panics and Buzzfeed quizzes? The Internet has done some amazing things – uniting people from across the world into one universal space. Yet in doing so, it has also created a dizzying online world where the sheer pace and density of new information can suffocate any opportunity to step back, breathe, and really think.

But fear not! Because Blogs Don’t Burn is here as a calm and measured voice in the eye of the storm. Any topic – whether related to politics, philosophy, history, religion, literature, movies, pop culture (or anything else under the sun), is handled here with the same commitment to clarity and depth of discussion.

Whilst not everything you read on this site will be completely impartial or objective (at least not until my extensive Vulcan training kicks in), what I can promise is that this site will always be will always be open to correcting its mistakes and considering other viewpoints. This is because frank and open discussion, despite its faults, is our best means towards truth and meaning. And, in the absence of words, only violence is left.

Luckily though, despite the increasingly incendiary nature of political debate on the internet these days, manuscripts and blogs don’t burn (or so we’ve been told).

Weighty intellectual commitments aside, thank you for taking the time to visit. If this platform can provide a few moments of peace from the howling maelstrom of the modern world, then I consider my job partly done.

Sam Chandler