Greetings from the Blogsphere!

Hello! This introductory post is coming to you from the main (and currently only) contributor to Blogs Don’t Burn – the “us” in the ‘About Us’ section being largely aspirational at this point! I just wanted to get some quick housekeeping out of the way before the uploading begins:

I will be posting initially some of my older articles written over the last few years -essentially just to collect all of these in the same place, and to give readers an idea of what to expect from this blog. So as to avoid confusion, the older political articles will be posted under the label ‘Backlog‘, with the date they were originally written included (I also want to avoid the impression that I will be writing on current events a year or two after they actually happened!)

Hopefully this will populate the site a little too, before I start producing new content.

All the best and enjoy!


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